이성우&올리버 듀오 초청연주회 및 두행음
클래식, 오페라 2018. 1. 9. 13:24 |공연명 : 이성우&올리버 듀오 초청연주회 및 두행음
장르 : 대전클래식 공연
날짜 : 2018년 2월 7일(수)
시간 : 저녁 8시
장소 : 클라라하우스
티켓정보 : 전석 5,000원
관람등급 : 8세(초등학생)이상 관람가능
소요시간 : 70분
주최/기획 : 대전클래식기타사랑 네이버카페 http://cafe.naver.com/djclassicguitar/6505
문의처 : 대전클래식기타사랑 010-8696-1997
예매처 : 현장판매, 전화예매(010-8696-1997)
Guitar duo
Lee song-Ou & Oliver Fartach-Naini
1991년 독일 베를린에서 결성된 Guitar Duo 이성우와 Oliver Fartach-Naini는 그 해 독일 베를린과 브레멘에서의 연주를 시작으로 매해 독일, 포르투갈, 덴마크 등 유럽 각국의 주요 도시와 호주, 일본, 한국 등 주요 도시에서 순회공연과 국제 음악 페스티발 초청연주와 마스터코스를 가지고 있으며, Tv 및 방송매체를 통해 많은 음악 평론가와 애호가로부터 뛰어난 곡 해석과 앙상블, 그리고 그들만의 다채로운 음색과 음향으로 절찬을 받은 바 있다.
이들의 레파토리는 바로크에서 현대에 이르기까지 다양하며, 특히 현대 음악의 해석에 뛰어남을 보여주고 있다. 1997년 Kreuzberg Records에서 첫번째 CD인 "Movement For Two Guitars"발매 되었으며 2002년 두 번 째 앨범인 "Frutti di Mare"가 발매되었다.
두 연주자는 플룻과 기타 듀오 앨범을 비롯하여 성악, 솔로, 앙상블 등 모두 16매 이상의 음반이 출반되었으며 2008년 비올리스트 리처드 용제 오닐과 슈베르트 겨울나그네를 독일 도이치 그라모폰에서 발매된바 있다. 현재 이들은 많은 현대 작곡가로부터 작품을 헌정 받아 연주하고 있다.
Geonyong Lee(*1947)
Suite for Guitar Duo
- Gutgeori
- Tango
- Love Song
- Hwimori
Napoleon Coste(1805 – 1883)
Grand Duo
- Concertino – Allegro
- Andante
- Barcarolle, Finale – Allegro
Fernando Sor(1778 - 1839)
Souvenir de Russie, op. 63
- Introduction
- Theme and Variations
- Allegretto
Phillip Houghton(1954 - 2017)
Slow Music
- Hope
- Adoration
Thomas Wallisch(*1973)
Coco Nelegatti(*1959)
"Pobre de ellos"
Guitar Duo Lee Song-Ou & Oliver Fartach-Naini
Renowned for their innovative and theme-driven concert programmes Lee Song-Ou and Oliver Fartach-Naini began playing together in 1991, when both were students of American Guitarist and Composer Laurie Randolph at the University of Arts in Berlin, Germany. Since then a busy schedule of tours, festival appearances, master classes, summer schools, TV and Radio recordings, have taken the duo to Europe, Asia and Australia.
Composers from all over the world have written works for them, including Jaime Zenamon (Brazil), Vincent Lindsey-Clark (England), Lee Geonyong (South Korea), Laurie Randolph (USA), Ludger Vollmer (Germany), Carlo Domeniconi (Italy), Thomas Wallisch (Austria), Coco Nelegatti (Argentina), as well as Richard Charlton, Grant Sheridan and Stephen Whittington from Australia. The duo’s highly praised albums “Movement For Two Guitars” and “Frutti di Mare”, both on Kreuzberg Records, are among some 20 recordings released by these versatile musicians through numerous record labels. The most recent collaborations of this pioneering guitar duo include the CD “Winter Journey” with Richard Yongjae O'Neill (viola) for Deutsche Grammophon, the CD "Canto Antigo" with violinist Zia Hyunsu Shin for Credia Classics and their duo CD “25” with further world premiere recordings to celebrate their 25th duo anniversary.
Lee Song-Ou, originally a theatre director, has won several prizes as a guitarist in South Korea. In 2002 he was nominated “Artist of the Year“ by KBS Broadcasting, South Korea’s leading radio and television broadcaster. He lectures at the Korean National University of Arts in Seoul and is also a guest professor at the Chinese music conservatories in Shenyang and Shanghai. Pursuing an active concert schedule, he performs as a soloist, in duo with Korean Haegeum (Korean fiddle) artist Ji-Yoon Chun and in various chamber music ensembles. Lee Song-Ou is graduate of the University of the Arts in Berlin where he studied under American guitarist and composer Laurie Randolph. Song-Ou’s latest passion is perfecting his skills as a balance engineer and music producer, a new-found role in which he enjoys fostering young talent.
Oliver Fartach-Naini is a student of American guitarist and composer Laurie Randolph and graduated from both the University of the Arts Berlin and the Academy of Music and Theatre “Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy" in Leipzig. Oliver also performs as a soloist, and in several chamber music ensembles including his most recent duo with clarinetist Peter Handsworth. For the German publisher Edition Margaux Oliver is the editor of the publication series “Collection Oliver Fartach-Naini”, a selection of compositions written for and dedicated to him and his ensembles. In 2009 Oliver was appointed the repertoire consultant for the 2012 AMEB classical guitar syllabus which entailed the publication of 7 graded repertoire books and a 1000 work repertoire list. Oliver endorses La Bella strings. Oliver Fartach-Naini is lecturer at the Elder Conservatorium of Music, University of Adelaide.
사업자 정보 표시
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