양인규 서양화展, 화니 갤러리
전시회 2018. 6. 19. 15:47 |전시명 : 양인규 서양화展
장르 : 대전전시
날짜 : 2018년 6월 13일~6월 24일
장소 : 화니 갤러리 / 대전 중구 대흥로71번길 27(대흥동)
관람시간 :
관람료 :
문의처 : 042)226-3003
Malerisch Collection
- Yang, In Kyu
Spacious field, naturally-blown wild flowers and trees there, we feel the boundless and deep images in the starry night, - These are natural and familiar sceneries we can often meet in our daily lives. “Nostalgia for the nature” is unconsciously and instinctively rooted in our minds as we are briskly living in the dryness and colorlessness of modern life.
What do we feel in the nature? When we are in the nature, it brings us peace and rest all the time.
The works of Yang, In Kyu focuses to express such plain nature and scenery in his canvas. He puts out the emotion in canvas which he felt, heard and saw in the nature. He uses to express those emotions calmly and enthusiastically , and sometimes vehemently.
It s usual for the majority of artists to try to express the balanced and completed texture in a certain frame with some intended adjustments. But, if we stand before arts of Yang, we cannot find any good shape or well-balanced composition, but unrefined, straightforward and unintended arrangements come out as a naked face.
“Malerisch Collection”? Yes, it is!. We can say the works of Yang, In Kyu is a diary of the nature he records day by day. It is not elaborated, but a diary where he describes “nostalgia”, “yearning”, “wild scent”, etc. he meet in the nature. They are contained in the diary as it is without making any adjustments. So, that is the one of the reasons why he focuses to create so many works than other painters.
He works very hard not to miss the right image and feeling of the moment he experiences in the daily life, but also pursues constantly to keep the basic attitude as an artist, with a firm belief that life is namely an art.
Without contending in the formal subjects or materials, he always shares and communes with the plainness and friendliness of the nature. Through such works of Yang, In Kyu, we expect to be able to find a warm sensitivity, which we almost pass by in our dried emotions.
- Artist Kim Soo Dong -
습관적 작업수행 ! 늘 마음에 담아 善한 생각으로 交感 할수 있다면 . . .
아름다운 同行으로 함께 더불며 윤택한 日常을 소망해 본다.
2018년 6월 새벽
□ 작가 약력
양인규 梁仁奎
1961년 충남 금산 생
培栽大學校 美術大學 美術敎育科 西洋畵 卒
개인전 및 부스기획 招待 25 회
대전 (공간사랑招待展, 갤러리커피숍 빈스招待展, 현대화랑, 이공갤러리招待展,화니Gallery招待展, 오원화랑,대전Expo 행사장) 경남, 진주 (경남 문화예술회관, 채송아트홀招待展, Gallery 빠래트招待展, 진주 겔러리아招待展, Gallery 江 初代展,‘17,18 갤러리 온 初代展 , 경남창원CECO ), 서울( 화랑 미술제 코엑스 , 갤러리 Ho 初代展, GAGA Gallery 初代展, 창원 호암Gallery 招待展 갤러리 Holl ) 부산 (벡스코 화랑미술제), 청화랑 招待 뉴욕 컨벤션 무역센터(30주년 Expo 아트페어 행사장), 중국 (798 화랑)
단체전 및 Group 기획 招待
대전광역시 초대작가전 및 심사, 경상남도 미술대전 초대작가전 및 심사, 대전 시립미술관 개관기념 초대전 및 경남창작지원예술센터 레지던스 결과전,‘18 일본화랑 교류기획展 400 餘回
現 : 美路繪展, 한국미술협회 진주지부, 경상남도 미술협회, 경남 미술대전, 대전광역시 초대작가, 錦同人展 Group 無, 矗石會, 경남현대미술 작가會, 금동인展, 진주 서양화작가회, 대전중견작가 Group 사이展, 공군과학고등학교 在職
문화가 모이는 곳 "대전공연전시" http://www.gongjeon.kr/
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